
Центр карьеры МГИМО


РГСУЕвросетьOSG Records ManagementОтдел по трудоустройству и работе с выпускниками.ARCH-SKINWeb CLOUDS


Анатолий ТоркуновНиколай Юрьевич РомановАнастасия МакаренкоAndrey MatuzovViatcheslav MatuzovAnastasia Bizyukovaphilologist livejournalВиктор ПисаревВасилий СидоринДмитрий ГоворовAlex SchlesingerНаташа ДавыдоваТамара ШашихинаНаталья НаумоваMax KatzevДмитрий Перепелкин
Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. And while we’re committed to building the perfect search engine, our work goes well beyond delivering accurate search results. The spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship that made our company a success right from the start underpins the work we do every day, from constantly pushing the boundaries of our products to researching alternative energies or devising new ways to interact with our clients.
Working at Google is as much a mindset as it is a job! Contrary to popular belief, we don’t just hire engineers. Whether it’s developing new business strategies, enhancing customer happiness, building complex financial models or bringing products to market, there are plenty of graduate opportunities at Google that don’t involve algorithms. In fact, our work requires ideas from many non-technical fields including media, advertising, sales, marketing, business and communications.
